
Monday, October 31, 2011

Zitto Kabwe : Hali Ya Afya

Statement: Hali Yangu ya Afya
Ndugu zangu,

Kwanza kabisa napenda kumshukuru Mwenyezi Mungu mwingi wa rehema kwa kuniwezesha muda huu kuwa na nguvu za kukaa katika kiti na kuweza kuandika haya machache kwenu. Nawashukuru sana Wanamabadiliko kwa salaam zenu nyingi za pole mara mliposikia ninaumwa na kulazwa hospitalini. Najua hamkuwa na taarifa kamili za kuumwa kwangu na kwa kweli suala la kuumwa ni suala la mtu binafsi (hata kwa mtu mwenye dhamana ya kiuongozi wa umma japo umma nao una haki ya kujua kinachomsibu kiongozi husika).


Nilianza kupatwa na maumivu ya kichwa usiku wa siku ya Ijumaa tarehe 20 jijini Dar es Salaam mara baada ya kuwasili kutoka Jimboni tayari kwa kazi za Kamati za Bunge ambapo Kamati yangu ilikuwa imekwishaanza kazi wiki hiyo kwa kupitia mahesabu na utendaji wa Mamlaka za Maji nchini.

Kama kawaida yangu niliona maumivu hayo makali kama ni sehemu tu ya uchovu wa ziara za Jimboni na safari za mara kwa mara nilizofanya kuinigilia ziara za Jimboni ikiwemo kuhudhuria Mdahalo wa Umeme na Mkutano wa Uwekezaji Kanda ya Ziwa Tanganyika.

Hivyo nililala na nilipoamka kichwa kilikuwa kimepona na hivyo nikahudhuria kikao cha Kamati ya Bunge ya Hesabu za Mashirika ya Umma katika Ofisi ya Bunge mpaka saa saba mchana.

Siku ya Jumapili saa kumi na moja jioni nikiwa katika Hoteli ya Southernsun nilipatwa na homa kali ghafla. Nilikatisha mkutano niliokuwa nao na kuamua kurejea nyumbani, lakini nilishindwa kuendesha gari na hivyo kumwomba Dereva wa Mhe. Mhonga anifuate ili anisadie kunifikisha nyumbani.

Nilipofika nyumbani kwangu Tabata, homa ilizidi kupanda na hivyo kuamua kwenda Hospitali mara moja. Nikapelekwa Agakhan Hospital na nikapata huduma.

Nilipochukuliwa vipimo ilionekana sina malaria wala homa ya matumbo na pia hawakuweza kuona sababu ya homa ile namna ile (maana ilifikia degree 40).

Walituliza homa, nikapewa Panadol na baadaye nikaruhusiwa kurudi nyumbani mnamo saa tano usiku. Nilipoamka siku ya Jumatatu nikaenda kazini kuongoza Kikao cha Kamati ya Bunge ambapo tulikuwa tunashughulikia Hesabu za Bodi ya Utalii na Benki ya Posta Tanzania.

Nilipita Agakhan kupata majibu ya ziada na kuambiwa nipo sawa ila nipumzike nisifanye kazi kwa siku kadhaa na nitakuwa sawa.

Hali kubadilika

Siku ya Jumanne niliamka nikiwa salama, kichwa kikiuma kwa mbali lakini sio vya kutisha. Nikawajulisha wajumbe wenzangu wa kamati kuwa sitakwenda kazini na wao waendelee na kazi.

Hata hivyo ilipofika saa sita kamili nilianza kutetemeka mwili mzima na homa kuwa kali sana huku kichwa kikiniuma sana sana sana!

Dada zangu wakamwita Driver na kunikimbiza Hospitali ya Agakhan. Wakarejea vipimo vilevile na matokeo yakawa yaleyale. Joto lilifika degree 39.8 Hivyo wakanipa dawa za kupoza homa na maumivu ya kichwa kwa drips na sindano kadhaa.

Siku ya pili hospitalini nikafanya vipimo zaidi ikiwemo ultra sound na vyote kuonekana sina tatizo lolote. Niliendelea kuwepo Hospitali na kwa kweli hali ilikuwa inatia moyo sana kwani nilipata nguvu na hata kuweza kuzungumza, homa ilikuwa imepungua sana.

Pamoja na kwamba Mganga Mkuu wa Serikali kwa kushirikiana na Waziri wa Masuala ya Bunge na Daktari wangu binafsi kuwataka waangalie upya vipimo vya malaria, madaktari wa Agakhan waliwahakikishia viongozi hawa na Daktari wangu kwamba hawajaona Malaria na hivyo wanaendelea na uchunguzi wa ‘a trigger’ ya homa kali niliyokuwa napata.

Hali kuwa Mbaya

Usiku wa siku ya Jumatano Hali ilikuwa mbaya sana. Joto lilipanda tena kufikia 40 na kichwa kuuma zaidi. Nilikuwa kama ninatwangwa kwenye kinu kwa kweli. Nilikuwa natetemeka sana. Ilikuwa taharuki kubwa sana katika chumba nilicholazwa.

Wageni waliokuwa wamekuja kunijulia hali wakati hali inabadilika ilikuwa ni pamoja na Ndugu Murtaza Mangungu na Mohamad Chombo ambao ni wajumbe wa Kamati ya Bunge ya POAC, walishauri mara moja nihamishwe Hospitali kupelekwa Muhimbili.

Muda si mrefu kupita Waziri Lukuvi na Katibu wa Bunge walifika, wakaafiki na nikahamishiwa Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili na kwa hali niliyokuwa nayo nikalazwa katika Chumba wanachokiita Mini-ICU. Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Afya Mama Blandina Nyoni alikuwepo Hospitalini tayari.

Usiku huo huo nilifanyiwa vipimo upya. Full Blood picture pamoja na BS. Vile vile kufuatia malalamiko kuhusu maumivu ya kichwa ikaamuliwa kuwa nifanyiwe CT Scan usiku ule.

Ikaonekana nina wadudu wa Malaria 150 na mara moja nikaanza matibabu. Namshukuru sana Daktari kijana Dkt. Juma Mfinanga kwa umahiri mkubwa aliouonyesha tangu nilipofika pale Mini ICU.

Asubuhi ya siku ya pili nikapata majibu ya tatizo la maumivu ya kichwa. Nimekuwa nasumbuliwa na kichwa kwa miaka zaidi ya Kumi sasa na katika kipindi hicho mara nne nilipoteza fahamu na kuanguka (Mara ya kwanza mwaka 2000 nikiwa Jijini Mwanza nikielekea kwenye Mkutano wa Vijana wa National Youth Forum, Mara Pili Mjini Dodoma katika mkutano kama huo mwaka 2001 lakini ilikuwa usiku, Mara ya tatu Nikiwa chumbani, Hall II mara baada ya kutoka *Prep, Chuo Kikuu cha Dar es Salaam mwaka 2002 na mara ya Nne Bungeni siku ya kupitisha Muswada wa Madini 2010 kufuatia wiki nzima ya Kamati na Mjadala wa Bunge (Ndugu Katulanda anakumbuka siku hii kwani yeye ndiye niliyemkamata njiani kunikimbiza Zahanati ya Bunge).

Tatizo lililogundulika ni SINUSITIS, ambayo tayari imekuwa sugu. Daktari Bingwa wa magonjwa haya Dkt. Kimaryo akanieleza kwa kirefu juu ya tatizo hili na kuniambia suluhisho ni ‘surgery’ na pale Hospitali ya Taifa hawafanyi hiyo operesheni. Akashauri niletwe India ambapo kuna Daktari mpasuaji wa ugonjwa huu. Nikakubali.

Baada ya kuwa Malaria imedhibitiwa kwa kufikia nusu ya ‘dozi’ nilopewa na wadudu kuonekana kutokomea, Ofisi ya Bunge ikaandaa safari. Nimefika India. Nimebakiza sindano mbili ili kumaliza ‘dozi’ hiyo na tayari nimefanyiwa taratibu zote kwa ajili ya ‘surgery’ hiyo.


Uvumi ulienezwa nimekufa. Kwa kupitia kwenu ndugu zangu Wanamabadiliko, napenda Watanzania wenzangu wajue mimi ni mzima wa Afya. Nimepata maradhi kama Binadamu mwingine yeyote anavyoweza kupata na namshukuru Mungu kwamba ninapata matibabu mazuri kabisa.

Nawashukuru sana Madaktari wa Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili chini ya Prof, Mwafongo kwa juhudi kubwa walioonyesha katika kunihudumia. Naishukuru Ofisi ya Bunge kwa Kutimiza wajibu wao kwangu kama Mbunge, Katibu Mkuu wa Wizara ya Afya kwa kuonyesha upendo wa hali ya juu na watumishi wote wa Wizara ya Afya, Katibu Mkuu wa CHADEMA Dkt. Slaa kwa ufuatiliaji wa karibu wa Afya ya Naibu wake, Wabunge wajumbe wa Kamati ya POAC, Dkt. Alex Kitumo, ndugu, jamaa na marafiki zangu wote.

Nawapa pole wananchi wa Jimbo la Kigoma Kaskazini kwa uvumilivu mkubwa hasa kufuatia uvumi mbalimbali ulioenezwa, pia Watanzania wengine kwa uzito huo huo.

Nitawajulisha kwa lolote Mungu akipenda. Ninaendelea na matibabu na hali yangu ni nzuri

Ndugu yenu


What were you thinking Jada!!

On the heels of a soft denial of marital troubles—and Jada Pinkett-Smith being seen out and about without her wedding ring—, the man in the middle, HawthoRNe co-star and soon to be the former Mr. Jenny from the Block, Marc Anthony, adamantly denies being the cause of a split between Will Smith and his wife of 13 years.
As previously reported on Your Black World, allegedly the Fresh Prince suspected trouble in his castle and surprised Jada by returning home from a movie shoot unannounced. Once inside, rumor has it that he found his wife locked in an embrace with Anthony and ran from his home crying.
In an ABC Nightline interview with John Quinones, Anthony scoffs at accusations that he caused the split


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Her name is Salha Israel, Miss Tanzania 2011.Namjua tu kama Miss Tanzania, na hanijui, but Yes, baada ya yeye kuchukua jukumu zito la kuwa mama kwa mtoto wa mwezi mmoja nimejikuta nikimpenda bureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Keep it up Salha, and God Bless you Always.

curls on Trend

Woke up "Twendeni sote"

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

unataka kaburi la familia? ni million tatu tu!!

“Ardhi sio bidhaa ya petroli wala dhahabu kwamba kuna siku itapungua thamani, kila siku inapanda,”
Huyo si Mwingine ila ni wakili Nyaga Mawalla

Alitumia Sh milioni 200 kuwekeza kwenye ardhi ya ekari 214 na kujenga barabara ya zaidi ya kilometa moja ambayo inaenda kwenye eneo ambalo alinunua ili aweke ofisi yake na kubuni matumizi mengine ya ardhi hiyo.
eneo hilo linapendwa na watu wengi na ameamua kukata vipande na kila kipande anakiuza kwa Sh milioni 30.

Katika eneo hilo ambalo kuna viwanja 182, ameamua kuwauzia watu na wale ambao wananunua anawapa maelekezo ya nyumba zinazotakiwa kujengwa kwenye eneo hilo. “Hili ni eneo langu na anayehitaji kuja kujenga hapa ni lazima atekeleza masharti nitakayompa ya ujenzi.”

katika eneo hilo ametenga eneo la makaburi ambayo mtu yeyote anayetaka azikwe humo yeye na familia yake anauziwa kipande ambacho kitakuwa maalumu kuzikwa watu wa familia yake.

“Makaburi yale siyo yale makubwa ya misalaba kama yaliyoko Kinondoni, hapana mimi naamini makaburi ni eneo la kuheshimiwa hivyo mpango wetu tunahitaji kujengwe makaburi kama yale yaliyoko pale Upanga, Dar es Salaam ambayo yana mvuto zaidi,” anasema.

Anasema wametenga hekta mbili kwa ajili ya makaburi hayo katika eneo hilo lakini pia amewasiliana na Klabu ya Lions kwa ajili ya kujenga bustani nzuri ambayo italifanya eneo hilo la makaburi livutie zaidi. “Yule anayehitaji eneo, kila kipande cha kujenga makaburi ya familia yake tunakiuza Sh milioni tatu,” anasema Mawalla na kusema kuwa fedha hizo zinaingia kwenye asasi ya Mawalla Trust ambayo ndiyo itatunza eneo hilo.

Anasema kuna vipande 100 kwa ajili ya ujenzi wa makaburi hayo na kwa bei hiyo ina maana kuwa zitapatikana Sh milioni 300 ambazo ndizo zitaingizwa kwenye mfuko huu.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

moi and my lil sisy out and about!


 Nimekuta hizi picha kwenye blog ya dada yangu Flora , anauliza hili soko linafana  na soko gani hapa Tanzania? binafsi naona kama linafanana sana na soko la Kariakoo.

Monday, October 24, 2011

mumy, you see a peace sign!!

 a peace sign, thats what he call it after coming home from school where he learn it, so every picture now is a peace pose
 not feeling ok but i want to match with daddy!!
helping daddy Allan

Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon twins

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Don't shoot! he begs for his life after being dragged from a drain. Seconds later he was summarily executed.

Rebel commander Adel Busamir said those Gaddafi loyalists who remained alive had realised there was no escape and turned back.
‘my master is here’
A wounded Gaddafi limped through some trees, fighters said, and sought shelter in a storm drain. Several bodyguards were with him.
‘At first we fired at them with anti-aircraft guns, but it was no use,’ said rebel commander Salem Bakeer. ‘Then we went in on foot. One of Gaddafi’s men came out waving his rifle in the air and shouting surrender, but as soon as he saw my face he started shooting at me.
‘Then I think Gaddafi must have told him to stop. “My master is here, my master is here”, he said. “Muammar Gaddafi is here and he is wounded”.
‘We went in and brought Gaddafi out. He was saying, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s going on?”.’ 

Bye bye Diana

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Semen Harvester, MEN BETTER WATCH OUT!!

Pride and joy ... Sophie Nhokwara poses next to her Chevrolet before the accident

 Zimbabwean Authorities have arrested three women for allegedly committing at least a dozen "ritualistic sex attacks" on male hitchhikers over a two-year period. For their rituals, the women reportedly collected used condoms and stashed them in "the boot of a car." Don't they have a Container Store in Zimbabwe?
Looks like the answer is no. In that case, a used coffee can would have worked, or an old shoe, or even under the couch. Lots of objects would surely hold used condoms more securely than a car would. But I digress.
After the boyfriend of one of the accused—twentysomethings Rosemary Chakwizira, Netsai Nhokwara, and Sophie Nhokwara—became involved in a fatal car accident while driving the condom car, the three women showed up to the scene and, the New Zimbabwe reports, "asked police officers to be allowed to retrieve 31 condoms—some with semen." Awkward. The request made the police suspicious, and the women plus the boyfriend were "immediately" arrested.
The correlation between the sex attacks and the condoms isn't exactly clear. Maybe these women just liked to collect used condoms for their sexual history scrapbooks, and had nothing to do with raping hitchhikers. So far there's no indication that any victims have come forward to identify the women as their assailants, though police are now hoping to begin the identification process and also test the condoms for DNA. For now, the way the press has described the women makes their arrests seem slightly witch-hunty:
Locals said they frequent a local nightclub, Uptown Nite Club, and have been known to sell cars.
One of the women, Sophie Nhokwara, has a Facebook profile in which she enters her relationship status as "divorced".
Harry Mohammed Misi, who knows the trio, said: "These women lead flashy lives and almost everyone in the city knows them.
"We are shocked with what is happening in our society where men are now being sexually-abused by women. But how can they make a living through such acts? In this case, let the law take its course."
Visiting nightclubs! Selling cars! Being divorced! Dressing up in hitting the town! How unladylike. What's more, Nhokwara's Facebook page also lists "driving around" as one of her interests. We know what that means.
The condom collection does seem a bit fishy, though. As one local said, "We want to know what they were doing with the semen." Yeah, that does seem like a question an average person might have.
so someone asked :
So these women attacted the men, held them down, put condoms on them, had forcible sex with the men until the men ejaculated, then took the condoms off and put them in their trunk?

yeeey!!! Free Application worth More than US $ 100 kwa wateja wa Blackberry

Research In Motion Offers Free Premium Apps to Customers Following Service Interruptions

Waterloo, ON - Research In Motion (RIM) (NASDAQ: RIMM; TSX: RIM) announced today that a selection of premium apps worth a total value of more than US $100 will be offered free of charge to subscribers as an expression of appreciation for their patience during the recent service disruptions. The apps will be made available to customers over the coming weeks on BlackBerry® App World™ and will continue to be available until December 31, 2011.*

“Our global network supports the communications needs of more than 70 million customers,” said RIM Co-CEO Mike Lazaridis. “We truly appreciate and value our relationship with our customers.  We’ve worked hard to earn their trust over the past 12 years, and we’re committed to providing the high standard of reliability they expect, today and in the future.”

The complete selection of premium apps will become available to download at BlackBerry App World over a period of four weeks beginning Wednesday, October 19th.  The selections over this period will include the following (with more to come):
• SIMS 3 - Electronic Arts
• Bejeweled - Electronic Arts
• N.O.V.A. - Gameloft
• Texas Hold’em Poker 2 - Gameloft
• Bubble Bash 2 - Gameloft
• Photo Editor Ultimate - Ice Cold Apps
• Pro -
• iSpeech Translator Pro -
• Drive Enterprise -
• Nobex Radio™ Premium - Nobex
• Shazam Encore - Shazam
• Vlingo Plus: Virtual Assistant - Vlingo
RIM’s enterprise customers will also be offered one month of free Technical Support.  Current customers will be offered a complimentary one month extension of their existing Technical Support contract, and customers who do not currently have a Technical Support contract will be offered a one month trial of RIM’s BlackBerry Technical Support Services - Enhanced Support, free of charge.  Additional details about the program and information about how to register will be available at

“We are grateful to our loyal BlackBerry customers for their patience,” added Lazaridis. “We have apologized to our customers and we will work tirelessly to restore their confidence.  We are taking immediate and aggressive steps to help prevent something like this from happening again.”

Note to Editors:
Last week, many customers experienced service interruptions and delays over a period of approximately 3 days in Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa, 1.5 days in Latin America and Canada, and 1 day in the United States. Global teams worked around the clock to contain the issue and minimize the impact to customers as much as possible. As of Thursday, October 13, service levels returned to normal.

* Please note that the availability of this offer will depend on the type of device, operating system version, access to BlackBerry App World and local conditions and/or restrictions. 
source from;

Monday, October 17, 2011

BAADA ya kuandamwa na ‘kashikashi’ za kisiasa kwa muda mrefu, Mbunge wa Monduli, Edward Ngoyai Lowassa (CCM), ameonekana ‘laivu’ runingani akifuatilia kwa karibu ibada ya Kiongozi Mkuu wa Huduma ya Kikristo ya Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), Mtume na Nabii Temitope Balogun Joshua ‘T.B Joshua’ huko Lagos, Nigeria.

Ishu hiyo ambayo imekuwa gumzo katika mitandao fulani fulani ilijiri hivi karibuni ambapo waziri mkuu huyo mstaafu alionekana kupitia Runinga ya Emmanuel TV.
Katika ibada hiyo iliyokuwa na ‘taito’ ya Sunday Live Service, ujumbe wa siku hiyo ulikuwa ni kushinda woga katika kujaribu kutenda jambo lolote.

T.B Joshua ni mmoja wa viongozi wenye heshima duniani aliyejipatia umaarufu kutokana na unabii anaoutoa kuhusu masuala mbalimbali, uponyaji kwa njia ya maombi na maombezi ya kawaida.
Habari kutoka Global Publishers

Krish , Irene Uwoya and Ndikumana's son

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Top 10 Richest Naija Actresses

1) Kate Henshaw-Nuttall –67 Million Naira = 407917.07 USD

By 2006, she had earned N10 million and the following year, she reached N12 million. The warm and beautiful star is also a model, a former Glo Ambassador, and face of Onga (brand from Promasidor) and has since earned a whopping N20 million between 2008 and 2010.

An Actress who has been in a violent relationiship for 3/4 years open up in an intertainment magazine in Nigeria last week how she has been abused.

Malaika, Keliz daughter

 Beautiful smile
growing too fast Malaika!!